Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stop press... door stop...

Til recently I never realised that what my life was really missing was a door stop... but since madam E was born, various doors in our house have been constantly wedged open with the odd shoe here and there so that rooms are always accessible to her without the fear of fingers being jammed, stuck, crunched, squashed etc... Now I know a single shoe wedged in a doorway is not a pretty sight so I have finally got round to adressing the whole issue with this:

Again another fairly simple project made up of seven panels of material, a handle so that it can be moved about easily and I added an invisable zip in the base so that the dried beans which are stored inside can be taken out if they should ever need to be replaced. To avoid spillage of said beans (when madam E enevitably works out how to open the invisable zip) I have actually first stuffed them into one leg of an old pair of tights and tied it up... It all works beautifully... only thing is now, madam E actually thinks I've made her a hand bag... it travels with her round the living room and that blinking shoe is still wedged in the doorway!!

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